Women's Resource Center of Northern Michigan (WRCNM)
Educational & Employment Services (EES)
WRCNM/NCMC Office offers Educational & Employment Services providing educational support, job search assistance, financial scholarships (tuition, text, and childcare), community connections and referrals, and advocacy. WRCNM advocates on behalf of students to assist in overcoming barriers and moving forward. Personal counseling is also available by appointment. To connect with a WRCNM representative on campus call 231-348-6699 or sburns@ncmich.edu.
To contact WRCNM's 24-hour help and information line, call 1-800-275-1995.
WRCNM Counseling and Advocacy Program
WRCNM offers on-campus counseling services at no cost for anyone who has been affected by sexual assault/abuse, domestic/dating abuse, and child abuse and neglect. WRCNM offers confidential, non-judgmental support and counseling to survivors regardless of age or when the assault occurred. For more information, contact WRCNM at 231-347-0067, or the 24-hour help and information line at 231-347-0082 or toll-free at 800-275-1995.